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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The 8TV Quickie : Top 5 Showdown 20102

The 8TV Quickie: 30 June 10

Interviewed backstage after last night's show. My best wishes to Famous Crew, one of my favorites. I'm really sad to see them go..... but I'm so proud to see them having grown outta their b-boy shell and evolved into the powerhouse entertainers that they are today, after just merely a couple of months on Showdown. I've always fancied them and thought they're fantastic dancers, always very in sync and with such a clean execution style. They're also the only crew that has taken every bit of my advice in the last so many weeks on their performance skills and stage craft and actually applied it. I'm so glad they came this far in the competition and I know, they will continue on to be even more FAMOUS and fabulous with the bag of tricks they now walked away with:)

Watch them on the Martial Arts week - out of all the shows, that's my favorite performance!
I love you guys!!! Best of luck, whatever you do.

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